5-4 Supreme Court Conservative Majority overturns Roe V Wade on June 24, 2022. 4 men and 1 woman stripped away federal Constitutional reproductive rights of American women and returned abortion decisions to the states. At least 28 states have immediately enforceable draconian anti abortion laws.

 Planned Parenthood health centers in Santa Maria, and all California clinics, are still open and will continue to provide a full range of sexual and reproductive health care services.   Women’s Health Care in Santa Maria, CA:  https://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-center/california/santa-maria/93454/santa-maria-center-2250-90170/womens-health

On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court has eliminated the federal constitutional right to abortion by overturning Roe v. Wade, returning decisions to the states. This dangerous outcome will open the floodgates for states across the country to ban abortion.  With the Supreme Court stripping Americans of their federal constitutional rights, dozens of states can quickly move to ban abortion. We’ve already seen many states pass bans; this decision will fuel the efforts of lawmakers to ban abortion across the country.  Liberal Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan dissented and Chief Justice John Roberts abstained.

Which states are likely to ban abortion?https://abc7news.com/which-states-ban-abortion-banning-is-illegal-trigger-laws/11992746/

Supreme Court lIberal Justices warn more rights are at stake:     https://news.yahoo.com/supreme-courts-liberal-justices-warn-145915639.html?fr=yhssrp_catchall
California Gov. Gavin Newsom tweeted, “This is an attack on American freedom. CA, OR and WA are creating the West Coast offensive.  A road map for other states to stand up for women. Time to fight like hell.”    CA Governor Newsom :   https://www.capradio.org/articles/2022/06/24/watch-live-california-governor-gavin-newsom-on-states-action-to-protect-abortion-rights/
President Biden and Planned Parenthood respond to Roe v. Wade being overturned: https://abc7news.com/roe-v-wade-overturned-planned-parenthood-abortion-california-rights-is-still-legal-in/11993333/


Vigil in Santa Maria.  110 E. Cook St, Santa Maria, CA  93454 at 5:30 pm on June 24, 2022.

Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2022/06/24/5-4-supreme-court-conservative-majority-overturns-roe-v-wade/

VOLUNTEER all year! We have Elections every two years.

Contact DCSMV Field Organizer Jovany Medina at jovany@sbdems.org to volunteer.  The local campaign is organized and ready to go!!  Volunteers are always needed to staff our Headquarters during the week.  We also attend events to promote our elected officials and the other organizations that help provide community support.  We are a friendly, patriotic, dedicated group of citizens who are interested in the advancement and improvement of  democratic principles for all.




Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2022/04/15/lets-get-out-the-vote/

Congratulations to Ketanji Brown Jackson, confirmed April 8, 2022 to SCOTUS.



Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2022/04/09/congratulations-to-ketanji-brown-jackson-confirmed-april-8-2022-to-scotus/


Ukrainian-Russian Crisis

Donate with confidence to reputable charities involved in humanitarian relief, recovery, and peace-building efforts who are highly rated by Charity Navigator.

The 3 and 4 Star rated charities included in this list have earned their ratings by being financially efficient and transparent in their operations:



Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2022/03/11/we-stand-with-ukraine/

President Biden signs historic INFRASTRUCTURE BILL November 15, 2021.

This Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. The legislation will help ease inflationary pressures and strengthen supply chains by making long overdue improvements for our nation’s ports, airports, rail, and roads. It will drive the creation of good-paying union jobs and grow the economy sustainably and equitably so that everyone gets ahead for decades to come.



Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2021/11/18/president-biden-signs-historic-infrastructure-bill-november-15-2021/

What’s in the “Build Back Better” Bill?

This framework will set the United States on course to meet its climate goals, create millions of good-paying jobs, enable more Americans to join and remain in the labor force, and grow our economy from the bottom up and the middle out.  Read about this bill:


Spanish:    https://www.whitehouse.gov/es/


Follow us on our Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/DemocraticClubofSantaMariaValley/?ref=h1

Other Democratic organization news:



Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2021/11/03/whats-in-the-build-back-better-bill/

Governor Newsom receives a landslide voter turnout to keep Cali BLUE!

September 14, 2021:
Gavin Newsom is still our Governor!!!
Thank you NO RECALL voters!! Your vote was vital in preventing a takeover of our state by radical Republicans.
Gavin Newsom survived a Republican attempt to remove him from office as California’s governor, ensuring that Democrat Newsom can serve out the rest of his term through 2022 as the top official of our state of California, the nation’s most populous state.
With 64% of the expected vote in, Newsom led with 5,562,954 votes, or 66.6%, against removing him from office, compared with 2,787,227 votes, or 33.4%, in favor of the recall.

Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2021/09/17/governor-newsom-receives-a-landslide-voter-turnout-to-keep-cali-blue/

CONGRATULATIONS to our 46th President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris!

A New Day, a New Beginning!


President Biden’s Inaugural Speech, January 20, 2021:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTtKDN4LgL8

The Best Photos From The Inauguration Of Joe Biden And Kamala Harris






The Poem by 22 year old Poet Laureate,  Amanda Gorman:

“The Hill We Climb”
When day comes we ask ourselves,
where can we find light in this never-ending shade?
The loss we carry,
a sea we must wade
We’ve braved the belly of the beast
We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace
And the norms and notions
of what just is
Isn’t always just-ice
And yet the dawn is ours
before we knew it
Somehow we do it
Somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed
a nation that isn’t broken
but simply unfinished
We the successors of a country and a time
Where a skinny Black girl
descended from slaves and raised by a single mother
can dream of becoming president
only to find herself reciting for one
And yes we are far from polished
far from pristine
but that doesn’t mean we are
striving to form a union that is perfect
We are striving to forge a union with purpose
To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and
conditions of man
And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us
but what stands before us
We close the divide because we know, to put our future first,
we must first put our differences aside
We lay down our arms
so we can reach out our arms
to one another
We seek harm to none and harmony for all
Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true:
That even as we grieved, we grew
That even as we hurt, we hoped
That even as we tired, we tried
That we’ll forever be tied together, victorious
Not because we will never again know defeat
but because we will never again sow division
Scripture tells us to envision
that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree
And no one shall make them afraid
If we’re to live up to our own time
Then victory won’t lie in the blade
But in all the bridges we’ve made
That is the promise to glade
The hill we climb
If only we dare
It’s because being American is more than a pride we inherit,
it’s the past we step into
and how we repair it
We’ve seen a force that would shatter our nation
rather than share it
Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy
And this effort very nearly succeeded
But while democracy can be periodically delayed
it can never be permanently defeated
In this truth
in this faith we trust
For while we have our eyes on the future
history has its eyes on us
This is the era of just redemption
We feared at its inception
We did not feel prepared to be the heirs
of such a terrifying hour
but within it we found the power
to author a new chapter
To offer hope and laughter to ourselves
So while once we asked,
how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe?
Now we assert
How could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?
We will not march back to what was
but move to what shall be
A country that is bruised but whole,
benevolent but bold,
fierce and free
We will not be turned around
or interrupted by intimidation
because we know our inaction and inertia
will be the inheritance of the next generation
Our blunders become their burdens
But one thing is certain:
If we merge mercy with might,
and might with right,
then love becomes our legacy
and change our children’s birthright
So let us leave behind a country
better than the one we were left with
Every breath from my bronze-pounded chest,
we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one
We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the west,
we will rise from the windswept northeast
where our forefathers first realized revolution
We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the midwestern states,
we will rise from the sunbaked south
We will rebuild, reconcile and recover
and every known nook of our nation and
every corner called our country,
our people diverse and beautiful will emerge,
battered and beautiful
When day comes we step out of the shade,
aflame and unafraid
The new dawn blooms as we free it
For there is always light,
if only we’re brave enough to see it
If only we’re brave enough to be it


Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2021/01/23/congratulations-to-our-46th-president-of-the-united-states-joseph-r-biden-and-vice-president-kamala-harris/


Also watch live on networks at 8:30 am, Wednesday, January 20.
The #InaugurationDay ceremony lineup is here! ?
Invocation – Fr. Leo O’Donovan
Pledge of Allegiance – Andrea Hall
National Anthem – Lady Gaga
Poetry Reading – Amanda Gorman
Musical Performance – Jennifer Lopez
Benediction – Rev. Dr. Silvester Beaman
You won’t want to miss it! Tune in on the morning of January 20 to watch this group come together for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s historic moment.


Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2021/01/19/inauguration-on-wednesday-january-20-2021-at-830-a-m-pst/

Second time Donald J. Trump Impeached.

Second Impeachment of Donald Trump (2021) U.S. government process.  Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on January 13, 2021. The House adopted one article of impeachment against Trump: incitement of insurrection. He is the first U.S. president to be… wikipedia.org

Here is the speech that rallied terrorists and looters to invade the U.S. Capital on January 6, 2021:



More news about the Insurrection:  https://news.yahoo.com/



ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT:   https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/24


Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2021/01/15/second-time-donald-j-trump-impeached/

Vandals and Terrorists overran the U.S. Capital on January 6, 2021 in an attempt to overturn the 2020 Presidential election. Seven CA Republican U.S. House Representatives sided with other conspiracy members not to certify the election.

After many weeks of contesting the November 3, 2020 Presidential election of Democrat, Joe Biden, Donald Trump held a well publicized and planned gathering of his supporters on January 6, 2021 a block from the U.S. Capital while the final congressional certification of the election was in session.  After several inflammatory speeches by Donald Trump, and others including Rudy Giuliani whose speech included the words “trial by combat”,  thousands of those present  marched down the street and overtook the U. S. Capital.  Terrorists invaded the interior looking for the package of unfinished business of the certification of the 2020 election, and seeking revenge and punishment for those not willing to refuse to throw out the fair election of Joe Biden and vote to maintain  Donald Trump as President.  Those responsible for the resulting five deaths, including one police officer who was beaten to death on the steps of the Capital, multiple injuries, and significant property damage are being identified and arrested.

In addition to legal action against the terrorists, and some law enforcement and military personnel, there are calls to take action against the political allies of what is now considered an attempt to overthrow our democracy.  There are calls for the removal of Donald Trump before his term ends on January 20, 2021 when Joe Biden is sworn in as President.  There are also calls for action to be taken against the elected U.S. Senators and U.S. House of Representatives (all Republicans) who did vote to object the certification of Joe Biden claiming falsely that the election was fraudulent and that Donald Trump had won.

There were 137 Republican U.S. House of Representatives  (7 CA Republicans:  Ken Calvert (R-CA)
Darrell Issa (R-CA)    Devin Nunes (R-CA)    Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)    Doug LaMalfa (R-CA)                             Mike Garcia (R-CA)     Jay Obernolte (R-CA)) and 8 Republican U.S. Senators (No Senators from CA) who participated in and re-enforced the conspiracy of false propaganda about election fraud, and who then voted to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election.  Their votes were outnumbered, and would not have changed the outcome, and after the invasion, congress re-convened and continued the certification of Joe Biden as the fairly elected President of the United States.

The Inauguration of Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris will be held at the U.S. Capital on January 20, 2021


Send a message to:

Nancy Pelosi (D), Speaker of the U.S. House of Representative

1236 Longworth H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515

phone: (202) 225-4965
hours: M-F 9-5:30pm



Chuck Schumer (D), 117th Congress, Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate

322 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-6542
Fax:  (202) 228-3027


Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2021/01/11/vandals-and-terrorists-who-overran-the-u-s-capital-on-january-6-2021-were-supported-by-many-elected-to-the-u-s-congress-including-seven-ca-house-representatives/

Remembrance and Give Thanks.

Remembrance of Loved Ones Lost to COVID 19, and Heartfelt Gratitude to all of the healthcare and other essential workers who have courageously risked their own health and safety during this pandemic.  We are all forever in your debt.


Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2020/11/01/remembrance-and-gratitude/

Welcome to the DCSMV Website


We hope you will find our multilingual website informational and interesting.  We strive to provide educational tools to help voters make good, informed decisions, and to become active  Democrats.  Scroll down for step-by-step tips on how to get the most out of our site.

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                         OUR DEMOCRACY is at stake….  Let our Democratic values be known!

Free Shipping!   SHOP OUR CAMPAIGN STORE!  Women owned, union made in the U.S.A.!Please use our unique link to provide credit for our Democratic Club.  THANK YOU!                    Click on our secure link:   https://bit.ly/DemsOfSantaMariaValley




VOLUNTEER!  Reach out to local voters with information on elections and our endorsed and elected Democrats!  We have outreach programs all year.  Meet and greet other members of our local community.  Provide useful voting information and guidance pertaining to the things that matter to our lives.  Contact North County Field Organizer, Jovany Medina at jovany@sbdems.org.  


Let’s get started!

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 There are also items of interest along the right side of the “Home” page (available if using a tablet or desktop computer. If using a cell phone, scroll down at the end of this post).

Voters can register and change information on this link    A Registration and Voting Guide    also found on the Home page tab,  and join   JOIN DCSMV  or donate   DONATE TO DCSMV     to our club using secure ActBlue with your credit card.     

Do you know who our representatives are?  For a list and contact information for federal,  state,  county and local elected officials , CLICK HERE

 The calendar of all of our monthly club meetings are also listed along with our contact information on the Tab “About Us”.   Join us and meet our members.   With health and safety exceptions, when meetings will be conducted for members only on ZOOM, meetings are conducted at the IHOP Restaurant in Santa Maria the third Thursday of every month at 6:00 pm, speaker at 7:00 pm.   The public is always welcome to hear what our informative guest speakers have to say,  and enjoy other planned programs.   We’re all in this together!  Join us and be part of the progressive support system for our community.

Please let us know if we can improve our website.  Thank you!    1(805)349-2708.


Stay informed about local events and programs. 

Visit our Facebook and Instagram by clicking on the icons at the top corner of our Home page or here: 

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Direct links to Register to Vote:

CA State Multi Language Register to Vote link


Santa Barbara County site  Register to vote here

(Note:  The Santa Maria Elections Office at 511 E. Lakeside Parkway has limited hours during off election years.  Call 1-800-722-8683 for details or to speak to an election’s office  assistant.  The County Recorder’s Office in the same building can accept registration forms and answer some election questions.)

Also, visit our tab  A Registration and Voter Guide:   Click here for Voting Information and Vote By Mail


 Call 1-805-349-2708 for updates on meeting information.
Meetings are on the third Thursday of every month, Noon  social/menu meal – Meeting begins at 1:00  pm.
Call for office hours 1-805- 349-2708.
Email:    dcsmv@dcsmv.net.
Headquarters office:  327 E. Plaza Drive, #2, Santa Maria, CA 93454. 
 Visit our page for Past and Present Events for our Club:

Click here for club meetings, events, fundraisers

Click here for our club membership application


Join DCSMV and/or pay Club Dues on secure site

Join/pay dues on secure ActBlue link to pay with credit card or Paypal:      CLICK HERE

   OR   Donate to DCSMV secure ActBlue link:   CLICK HERE

  If you would prefer to fill out a membership form and mail or drop off a check,

click here to print:  Membership Form



Know what Santa Maria District you live in?

CLICK HERE for Districts by address in Santa Maria


City of Santa Maria Voting Districts


Santa Barbara County Districts have been redrawn as of December 2021.  There are graphics of the maps for the boundaries for all 5 Districts.  Santa Maria and Orcutt are in District 4 and 5.  MAPS ARE ON PAGE 15-22 of the document link:   https://drawsantabarbaracounty.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/20211213-SB-CIRC-Final-Report.pdf

Click here to look up all of your voting Districts and Precinct by address

Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2020/06/15/welcome-to-the-dcsmv-website/

House Impeached President Trump, December 18, 2019

The record will be available for future generations to understand why impeachment was necessary as the only remedy possible to hold a corrupt president accountable under our Constitution, and one step towards preserving our democracy for them.

“Whether Donald Trump leaves in one month, one year or five years, this impeachment is permanent,” Rep Ted Lieu, D-Calif said. “It will follow him around for the rest of his life and history books will record it. People will know why we impeached.”



Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2019/12/21/house-impeached-president-trump-december-18-2019/

The chamber voted on October 31, 2019, to approve procedures related to the impeachment inquiry into President Trump

“What is at stake in all of this? It’s nothing less than our democracy,” Nancy Pelosi. 

News of a whistleblower complaint alleging that Trump had pressured Ukraine’s president to investigate the Biden family, and military aid was being withheld from Ukraine unless the president of Ukraine cooperated, broke in September 2019, that led Pelosi to end the ambiguity about whether to proceed with impeachment steps. The speaker announced on September 24 that “the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry.” Since September, over a dozen witnesses have corroborated the whistleblower’s account of events.  

Activists and voters in the party have been demanding Trump’s impeachment for some time now for a variety of reasons: from bigotry to financial corruption to his general conduct in office.

This vote can be read as a sign that Democrats are ready to move to a new phase of the inquiry: They’re winding down the closed-door depositions they’ve held in recent weeks and moving instead to hearings that will take place in public.

The resolution also makes clear who will take the lead in this phase: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the chair of the House Intelligence Committee and an ally of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Read the full Resolution:   Resolution by the House

Speech by Nancy Pelosi October 31, 2019

What House Democrats’ impeachment procedures resolution actually does

Democrats’ resolution is not a resolution to start an impeachment inquiry; the party’s position is that they’ve been conducting one for some time already. Instead, the resolution is framed as one “directing certain committees to continue their ongoing investigations” as part of an “existing House of Representative inquiry into whether sufficient grounds exist” for the impeachment of President Trump. That is: The inquiry already existed and will continue.

The resolution does, however, lay out some specifics about how things will work going forward.

   FIRST, it says that open hearings will be held and, interestingly, the committee that will hold those hearings is the House Intelligence Committee, chaired by Schiff. That makes sense, because the whistleblower complaint made its way to Schiff in the first place (his committee oversees the intelligence community). And it’s Schiff’s committee that has been holding closed-door depositions of Trump administration officials for the past month (though members of two other committees, Foreign Relations and Oversight, have also been invited to take part).

  SECOND, the resolution gives some details on how those hearings will be conducted. The interesting part here is that Schiff (and the intelligence committee’s ranking member Devin Nunes) will each get to question witnesses at the beginning for longer than the traditional five minutes — up to 90 minutes in total. They can also designate staff members to do this questioning. This is not typically how congressional hearings are conducted but it would allow witnesses to be questioned for lengthier periods by skilled attorneys (rather than bloviating politicians).

  THIRD, the resolution says that Nunes can ask for his own witnesses to be invited or subpoenaed to testify, but there’s a catch. Nunes must give “a detailed written justification of the relevance” of each witness’s testimony and either Schiff or a majority vote on the committee would have to approve it. This is an effort to prevent Republicans from playing political games by demanding that irrelevant witnesses appear.

 FINALLY, the resolution makes clear how this phase of the impeachment inquiry will end: After Schiff has held public hearings, he will write a report laying out his findings and recommendations. That’s when the handoff to Nadler’s Judiciary Committee will occur. The Judiciary Committee will review the report and draft impeachment articles if they deem that necessary (which they almost surely will).

What happens next

Summing up, now that this resolution has been approved by the House, this is how the impeachment inquiry will proceed going forward:

  • Schiff’s Intelligence Committee will hold public hearings and eventually write a report.
  • Nadler’s Judiciary Committee will then review that report and likely draft and vote on articles of impeachment for Trump.
  • Any articles of impeachment improved by the Judiciary Committee would then go before the full House for the actual vote on whether Trump would be impeached.
  • If Trump is impeached by the House then the Senate would hold a trial to determine whether to remove him from office.

It isn’t clear how long each of these phases will last. Democrats had at one point hoped to hold their final votes on whether to impeach Trump before Thanksgiving, but that timeline has slipped. For now, they still appear to be aiming to wrap things up in the House before the end of the year.

Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2019/11/03/the-chamber-voted-on-october-31-2019-to-approve-procedures-related-to-the-impeachment-inquiry-into-president-trump/

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