Jul 22
July 22, 2024
Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/2024/07/22/president-biden-passes-the-2024-election-torch-to-vice-president-kamala-harris/
Click here: Update/Register to vote
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Look up your Districts and Precinct by address in Santa Barbara County: Click here
VOTE BLUE and regain Democratic control of the U.S. House of Representative in 2024 and hold onto the U.S. Senate!
Meetings are held every third Thursday of the month at the IHOP Restaurant, 202 S. Nicholson Ave. Santa Maria, 93454 (Off Freeway 101 North exit at East Main Street, cross street E. Cypress)
NOTE: OUR MEETING TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM EVENING TO DAY TIME. Please call our Headquarters to verify if any questions.
Social/off the menu dinner hour begins at Noon, Guest Speaker/ Program at 1:00 pm. GUESTS ARE WELCOME. (Registered Democrats only business meeting at 1:45 p.m. )
Weekday Office hours Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Open Saturday and Sunday. Call for additional hours or appointment. Phone: 1-805- 349-2708.
Headquarters at 327 E. Plaza Drive, #2, Santa Maria, CA 93454. Email us at Mailto:dcsmv@dcsmv.net
We will be checking our 1-805-349-2708 phone frequently for messages. Renewal check payments can be mailed or dropped in the door slot at the headquarters, or use our ActBlue link with a credit card https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/dcsmvjoin.
Donations on our ActBlue link to help with campaigns and organizational expenses are also always appreciated. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/dcsmvdonate
Club Officers and Committee Chairpersons, see Home page tab “Page Locator” tab, or “Home Page” tab About Us, Club Officers. Leave name, phone number and messages on our Headquarters phone for club information or messages for DCSMV Board Officers at 1-805-349-2708.
Be a VOLUNTEER and help elect Democrats! Contact Jovany Medina, North County Field Organizer, jovany@sbdems.org.
Verify and update your registration information on our Home page link. Request a Vote By Mail ballot and vote early. VOTE BLUE!
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