Beginning in 2022, members will be notified of club events in the Proud Democrat newsletter.
The Proud Democrat newsletter is mailed or emailed to members each month, and can be found on this website Home page tab “Members login” with your members only password.
Our Headquarters at 327 E. Plaza Drive, #2, Santa Maria, CA 93454, is open 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Mon-Fri. and often on Saturday and Sunday (call first on weekends). Call for information at 1-805-349-2708.
General Meetings with speakers have resumed in person at the IHOP Restaurant at 202 Nicholson St., Santa Maria, 93454 (1 block off E. Main Street), every third Thursday of the month. GUESTS WELCOME! Social hour and off the menu meal begins at 12:00 p.m. Noon, Speaker/Program 1:00 p.m.-1:45 p.m. approximately,
(Business meeting to follow, Democrats only).
Deadline to register (ballots will be mail in) is January 11, 2021.
November 3, 2020 Certified Election results:
Members raised $550 in December 2020 at the Annual Holiday Event (on Zoom) and donated the proceeds to the local S.B. County Foodbank.
(Photo Laura Selken, DCSMV Treasurer, presented $550 check to Larel Alcantral of the S.B. County Foodbank.)
August 26, 2020.
Leave a message at the Headquarters 805-349-2708 for David Dennis if you can volunteer to help with our November 2020 campaign. We are fully operational with all systems GO! Get Out The Vote for our highly qualified Endorsed Democratic candidates!!
Our Democratic Endorsed Candidates for November 3, 2020:
The DCSMV Headquarters at 327 E. Plaza Dr, #2, Santa Maria, CA 93454 will be cled as of Monday, March 16, 2020 until further notice.
In accordance with recommendations to minimize the spread of the COVID 19 virus, the DCSMV will follow all recommendations to practice social distancing for all meetings and events until otherwise advised. There will be someone picking up messages left on the club phone daily at 805-349-2708. This website, and our club Facebook page, will continue to actively post updates on the election. Visit our home page to research our various postings, including COVID 19 resource information at
General DCSMV meetings held at the IHOP Restaurant in Santa Maria are cancelled as of the March 19, 2020 meeting and will be cancelled until further notice. Virtual online meetings will be held on the regular meeting dates and time for members. Please call and leave a message for information at our headquarters 1-805-349-2708. Members may also find updates on the “Members Login” tab on our website.
Notice: The Santa Barbara County Fair has been cancelled.
NOTICE: Open Streets in Santa Maria has been postponed until October due to the Covid-19 virus. The event was previously scheduled for Sunday, March 29th. DCSMV will have a booth and will appreciate any volunteers. More details TBD. Text or call Scott Baker to volunteer 805-863-3991.
George Floyd Memorial and Solidarity Rally, Thursday, June 4, 2020, 110 E. Cook Street, Santa Maria, CA
A peaceful but somber demonstration to honor the memory of Black lives lost to police brutality and to commit to demanding change.
For more information, visit our Facebook page:
CANCELLED until further notice:
Saturday, March 7, 2020:
Annual NAACP Black History Celebration Picnic at Pioneer Park (1140 E. Foster Rd, Orcutt) noon- 4:00 pm.
Keynote speaker: Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, District 19.
FREE LUNCH *, meet local elected officials. Entertainment. Meal reservations by Lawanda Lyons-Pruitt 805-448-7869 or Yesenia DeCasaus 805-349-9656.
For other local events and programs, visit NAACP website:
(click on image to enlarge)
February 20, 2020 General Meeting:
Adopt-A-Road volunteers honored at February General Meeting
(Click on image to enlarge)
Front row: L to R Janet Freckleton, Ilene Pickle, Scott Baker, Beth Schneider, Kirsten Kirschner, Kathy Sharum, Lee Franks, Dr. RobertHammond
Back row: L to R Ernie Kirschner, Osvaldo Sotelo, Laura Selken, Derek Sellers, Sophia Kowalski, Sara Macdonald, Ken Dahmen, Steve Mathis, David Dennis.Our Democratic Club of Santa Maria Valley, award recipient for participation in the Adopt-A-Road program by the Santa Maria City Council, is scheduled to clean up their assigned street (North Broadway from Main St. to McElhaney Ave.) on the Fourth Saturday of every odd-numbered month: March 28, May 23, July 25, September 26, and November 28. DCSMV has participated in the Adopt-A-Road program since 2017.
The beginning time is 9:30 a.m. unless announced otherwise! Please call Kathy Sharum at 805-828-2305 no later than the Friday before if you plan on helping or if you have questions. Thanks for your support!
February 16, 2020:
The Guadalupe Rally Community Event with speakers Congressman Salud Carbajal, Joan Hartmann, 3rd District SB County Supervisor, and candidate Monique Limon, for District 19, CA State Senate, was held on Sunday, February 16th. DCSMV had a table at this event to distribute candidate literature and to register voters before the Tuesday, February 18th last day to register to vote, change name or address. Thank you volunteer Sara Macdonald, and Scott Baker, who registered voters and distributed candidate literature.
Sunday’s event provided residents an opportunity to share ideas for the future of Guadalupe, register to vote, learn about local initiatives, ask questions of the candidates as well as enjoy tacos, children’s activities, and a photo op with local representatives. The event was free and children welcome!
The event was held at the Beatitude House, 267 Campodonico Ave, Guadalupe, a residence that provides food, medical assistance, shelter, and other services to Guadalupe residents in need. Beatitude House is funded entirely with private donations. Anyone wishing to donate contact Dennis Apel (shown in red shirt below with Joan Hartmann) at 805-343-6322.
DCSMV is tabling every week until the March 3rd election at AHC to distribute candidate literature and register students. Volunteers, please contact member Lee Franks, 805-268-6398.
Also every weekend until election day on March 3, 2020. The campaign for Santa Barbara County Supervisor, Joan Hartmann, 3rd District, is walking neighborhoods a couple of hours on Saturdays and Sundays. Please call Alma Hernandez 1-805-598-5344 to help re-elect our hard working County Supervisor!! Let Alma know if you need transportation.
Every weekend until election day on March 3, 2020. The campaign for Santa Barbara County Supervisor, Joan Hartmann, 3rd District, is walking neighborhoods a couple of hours on Saturdays and Sundays. Please call Alma Hernandez 1-805-598-5344 to help re-elect our hard working County Supervisor!! Let Alma know if you need transportation.
February 20, 2020
The next regular DCSMV meeting was February 20, 2020 at the regular time beginning at 6 p.m. for social and dinner hours, and guest speaker or program at 7 p.m., followed by the business meeting (registered Democrats) until 8:30 p.m., at the IHOP Restaurant in SM.
Abraham Melendrez of CAUSE presented a thorough report on housing in Santa Maria.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2020. Meet our endorsed candidate, DAWN ADDIS, running for State Assembly, District 35. Plan to attend a “meet and greet” at the Democratic Club Headquarters, 327 E. Plaza, #2, Santa Maria, 93454, 2:00-3:30pm.
Follow Dawn on Facebook:
January 18, 2020
The Women’s March SMV 2020 was held on Saturday, January 18, 2020. Approximately 500 people attended this 2nd Annual Santa Maria rally and march!! Hundreds of other cities nationwide held similar marches, including San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara.
THE DCSMV HAD A TABLE at the WOMEN’S MARCH 2020 with registration forms, brochures for our ballot’s March 3, 2020 Primary election, and visits from some of our elected representatives, SALUD CARBAJAL, 24th Congressional District House of Representatives, and JOAN HARTMANN, 3rd County District Supervisor, and GLORIA SOTO, Santa Maria 3rd District Council member, all who were speakers, and OSVALDO SOTELO, November candidate for District 1 Council, also visited our table.
The event was held at the Minami Park on W. Enos Dr., SM, 93458. Speeches at 10 a.m., march 11 a.m.-2 p.m. around the blocks from W. Enos to S. Broadway to W. Stowell to S. Depot and back to W. Enos. Speakers, food, and the Santa Maria High School Band made this important event enjoyable and interesting for all participants wanting to be part of this annual Santa Maria community shared action of fellowship and solidarity.
Our club can’t participate in these events without you, so….
THANKS to our **** VOLUNTEERS *****
who helped at the table: Chairperson Scott Baker, Kathleen Schartz, Nancy Heck (Kathleen’s sister), President Beth Schneider, Secretary Sandy Boyd, Steve Mathis, Connie Ford. Thanks also to David Dennis and Skip Ford for helping with setup and take down.
And thanks to our law enforcement men and women who kept the peace and protected the marchers!! (Feedback was there were NO INCIDENTS or disruptions on the march.)
January 16, 2020
DCSMV General Meeting
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! Public Welcome for Guest Speaker or Program, 7:00 pm-7:40pm.
No-host social and menu dinner at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session or program open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (for registered Democrats) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
(Also look for our monthly Guest Speaker information in the PROUD DEMOCRAT NEWSLETTER sent out by email, or postal mail, to all members in the first 10 days of each month.)
Please call Alma Hernandez 1-805-598-5344 to volunteer and help re-elect our hard working County Supervisor Joan Hartmann!!
December 19, 2019
7th Annual Holiday Party, December 19, 2019
Special Thanks to Yesenia Decasaus and the UDW for the use of the hall!
Guest speaker Daraka Larimore-Hall, Vice President CA State Democratic Party gave an inspiring and encouraging speech going forward into the 2020 election.
Sara Macdonald, winner of the
“2019 Volunteer of the Year” award,
presented by President Beth Schneider.
(L) Dawn Addis, candidate for CA Assembly District 35
and Gloria Soto, Santa Maria City Councilwoman
“Santa” Gale McNeeley and guest
Bob on accordion provided cheerful entertainment.
Thanks to Party Planner Vibiana Saavedra
and Chef Daniel for a successful dining evening.
V-P David Dennis, managed the raffle
tickets for the many very nice donated gifts.
“Spirits” hostess, Lawanda with member Steve.
Thanks to Audie Macdonald, and the many helpers.
“Ms. Clause” (Bob’s wife Bobby)
Thanks to all who attended and made the event fun!!
Daraka and Hillary.
The campaign for Santa Barbara County Supervisor, Joan Hartmann, 3rd District, is walking neighborhoods a couple of hours on Saturdays and Sundays in November. Please call Alma Hernandez 1-805-598-5344 to help re-elect our hard working County Supervisor!!
Balanced Leadership & A Record of Accomplishment for the 3rd District
Enhancing disaster response, recovery & preparedness
Balancing County budgets while fully restoring our Rainy Day Fund
Improving the safety of our roads & neighborhoods
Advocating for expanded mental health care & homeless facilities
Championing clean energy programs & water-wise policies
Expanding parks, trails & active living to improve public health & our quality of life
Promoting initiatives to support children, working families & seniors
Advancing government transparency & community engagement
More information about Joan Hartmann:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
DCSMV General Meeting
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! Public Welcome for Guest Speaker or Program, 7:00 pm-7:40pm.
No-host social and menu dinner at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session or program open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (for registered Democrats) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
(Also look for our monthly Guest Speaker information in the PROUD DEMOCRAT NEWSLETTER sent out by email, or postal mail, to all members in the first 10 days of each month.)
Thursday, October 17, 2019
DCSMV General Meeting
GUEST SPEAKER Joyce Ellen Lippman, The Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens-Area Agency on Aging (AAA)
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! Public Welcome for Guest Speaker or Program, 7:00 pm-7:40pm.
No-host social and menu dinner at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session or program open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (for registered Democrats) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
(Also look for our monthly Guest Speaker information in the PROUD DEMOCRAT NEWSLETTER sent out by email, or postal mail, to all members in the first 10 days of each month.)
Program Manager Sara Macdonald:
We are pleased to announce that we will be having Joyce Ellen Lippman of the Area Agency on Aging for our October meeting. She will be giving a talk on the state of seniors in our community and provide us with necessary new laws protecting our aging population. This is an important event if you, or someone you know, is aging. Lots of information will be given out.
The Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens-Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is a non-profit organization responsible for allocating federal and state dollars to local agencies to ensure that supportive, nutrition, and health promotion services are available to older adults in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties. Joyce Ellen Lippman is the Executive Director and has been at the forefront of all issues facing our senior population for decades here in Santa Maria and the County of Santa Barbara.
Sunday, October 27, 2019:
DCSMV Fundraiser, Sunday, October 27, 2019. TICKETS FOR SALE NOW! Mail or drop off a check, or pay online below with secure site ActBlue using your credit card.
Join us for a fun afternoon!
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Great comedic musical, with appetizers/desserts,
wine, and coffee served at intermission!
Play starts promptly at 1:30 p.m., so come early!
Santa Maria Civic Theatre
1600 N. McClelland St., Santa Maria, CA 93454
$35 per person. Pay online HERE,
or drop off or mail check to:
DCSMV, 327 E. Plaza St, Santa Maria, CA 93454
We’ll confirm by phone or email.
“Harry Witherspoon, an unassuming English shoe salesman, lives an uneventful life in East Grinstead, England. His life takes a dramatic turn when he learns that his uncle Anthony, a casino manager from Atlantic City, has been killed by his blind lover. Harry learns that he stands to inherit $6,000,000 from his uncle – but only if he agrees to take his Uncle’s corpse on a trip to Monte Carlo. Otherwise, the money will all go to his uncle’s favorite charity, the Universal Dog Home of Brooklyn. In a quest to gain his uncle’s inheritance, Harry sets out to fulfill Anthony’s dying wish. However, in Monte Carlo, he meets a host of quirky characters who are also in hot pursuit of his uncle’s money.”
Call the Democratic Club of Santa Maria Valley (805) 349-2708 for more information.
September 19, 2019:
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! Public Welcome for Guest Speaker or Program, 7:00 pm-7:40pm.
No-host social and menu dinner at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
GUEST SPEAKER Presented by Sara MacDonald, Program Manager
Our September General Membership Meeting (Thursday, September 19) will feature Kate Connell, Director of Truth in Recruitment (TIR), a student advocacy group whose mission is to work with students, families, teachers, veterans, community organizations, and school districts to clarify the consequences of military careers, to provide alternative options so that students can make educated choices about their future, to inform families of their children’s privacy rights, and to advocate for policies regulating recruiter presence on campuses.
The efforts of TIR began in 2011 when Santa Barbara High School students spoke out against the prevalence of military recruiters as guest speakers in classes and their casual presence on campus. In 2014, as a culmination of TIR’s two-year campaign, the Santa Barbara Unified School District (SBUSD) Board passed a district policy regulating recruiter access to students. The policy includes these guidelines: recruiters are limited to two visits a year with no more than three recruiters at a time; no solicitation of student contact information directly from students; no simulated weapons displays; a requirement that an opt out form barring release of student directory information be distributed; no disruption of normal school activities such as recruiting during class-time.
In Santa Maria, TIR has put together an organization that includes students, parents, teachers, and community members to begin a similar push to regulate recruiter access in the Santa Maria Joint Unified High School District and for equal access for TIR in schools. Because of this group’s advocacy, the on-campus National Guard recruiting office at Santa Maria High School has been closed. Student testimony during meetings with administrators and school board members also led to the decision to allow TIR literature in career centers throughout Santa Maria.
Kate Connell is the parent of two students who attended Santa Barbara schools. Along with other parents, students, veterans, and community members, she successfully led the effort to implement the recruiter policy in the Santa Barbara Unified School District. She has served as a military counselor for personnel who sought discharge from the military and is trained as a draft counselor, as a facilitator with Alternatives to Violence Project, and in conflict resolution and mediation. She is a resource for information on alternatives to military careers, on students’ and families’ privacy rights, and drafting school policies regulating recruiter access to students. In 2013, she successfully advocated for a gun control resolution in the SBUSD, and for decades aided in alternative recruiting in New York City, Austin, and Santa Barbara. She was recently honored by the Ventura based Citizens for Peaceful Resolutions as the recipient of the Earth Charter Award for Democracy, Nonviolence and Peace. She is a member of the Santa Barbara Friends Meeting, Quakers. Truth in Recruitment is a project of the Santa Barbara Friends (Quaker) Meeting, a 501(c)3 nonprofit.
(NEXT GENERAL MEETING WILL BE Thursday, October 17, 2019. )
Last week of September, 2019: Adopt-A-Road volunteer program. Call Kathy Sharum 1-805-349-2708, leave message to volunteer. Scroll down the page for more information on this program.
September 4, 2019.
BOW WOW. Allan Hancock College Orientation Wednesday, 10 am – 1 pm.
Our DCSMV had a table at the Santa Maria AHC Campus.
Thanks to volunteers Kathleen Schartz, Luz Marie Cabral, and Connie Ford, for meeting, greeting,
and passing out political materials to AHC students and visitors. Also, many thanks to
Peter Hill and David Dennis for setting up the table with tarp and the materials ready to go!
And thanks to Skip Ford for taking it all down again. It was a good day and lots of visitors!!
August 30, 2019: Sponsored by the Central Coast Labor Council. Support our Unions on the Central Coast. Event held at the Pioneer Park in Orcutt off W. Foster Rd.
A great time was had by all!!!! BBQ, inspirational speakers, bounce house, performing dancers, and beautiful weather!!
Shown with Santa Barbara County Supervisor, 3rd District, Joan Hartmann (second from left), are DCSMV club members, left to right: Sara Macdonald, Gwen Chavarria, DCSMV President Beth Schneider, Scott Baker, Kathleen Schartz, and Kathy Sharum.
Shown above: Santa Maria City Councilwoman, 3rd District, Gloria Soto, DCSMV Vice-President and Precinct Chairman, David Dennis, CA Senator, 19th District, Hannah-Beth Jackson, U.S. Congressman, 24th District, Salud Carbajal.
Shown below top: CA Senator 19th District, HANNAH-BETH JACKSON, Santa Maria City Councilwoman 3rd District, GLORIA SOTO, U.S. Congressman 24th District, SALUD CARBAJAL, (next photo) Santa Barbara County Supervisor Third District, JOAN HARTMANN,
Second row: Santa Barbara County Supervisor Third District, JOAN HARTMANN, Santa Barbara Mayor, CATHY MURILLO, Santa Maria Representative UDW, YESENIA DE CASAUS, President UDW,, EDITA ADAMS.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
DCSMV General Meeting
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! Public Welcome for Guest Speaker or Program, 7:00 pm-7:40pm.
No-host social and menu dinner at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session or program open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (for registered Democrats) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm. (NEXT MEETING WILL BE THURSDAY, September 19, 2019)
(Also look for our monthly Guest Speaker information in the PROUD DEMOCRAT NEWSLETTER sent out by email or postal mail to all members in the first 10 days of each month.)
August Guest Speaker:
On August 15, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. at IHOP, the Democratic Club of Santa Maria Valley will welcome Cathie Ortiz and Robert Gutierrez of Transitions-Mental Health Association who will present information about their LEAD Project.
LEAD stands for Lived Experience Advocacy and Development. All LEAD members are individuals with lived experience that includes some or all of the following: mental illness, addiction, homelessness, and recovery. Due to their experience, LEAD members educate, advocate, and seek to reduce the stigma of living with mental illness by giving a face and story to people who cannot speak for themselves. The goal of the LEAD Project is to become a part of a greater systems change and emerge as a critical link for policy-makers on mental health services in Santa Barbara County by advocating for issues around housing, employment, and gaps in mental health services.
Transitions-Mental Health Association established this team of men and women with lived experience of mental illness in Northern Santa Barbara County with a generous grant from the McCune Foundation.
~ Sara Macdonald,
Program Manager
Our Club is doing our part! Volunteers needed 1-1/2 – 2 hours, last Saturday of every other (odd) month, January, March, May, July, September, November, through 2019.
Call Dem office at 1-805-349-2708 and leave your name and contact number for club member Kathy Sharum.
Help us keep Santa Maria streets and sidewalks litter free!
Thursday, July 18, 2019
DCSMV General Meeting
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! Public Welcome for Guest Speaker or Program, 7:00 pm-7:40pm.
No-host social and menu dinner at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session or program open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (for registered Democrats) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm. (NEXT MEETING WILL BE THURSDAY, August 15, 2019)
Volunteers Gloria Soto and LuzMaria Cabral greeting visitors to our Santa Barbara County Fair booth in July 2019.
Thanks to the 30 club volunteers who made our presence known to the community at the 2019 Santa Barbara County Fair in Santa Maria. And many thanks to the members who set up the booth and organized the displays, including Peter and Rosi Hill, Laura Selken, David Dennis and others who contributed to our award winning booth.
Come by our Democratic Club Booth at the Santa Barbara County Fair, July 10 – July 14, 2019. To purchase tickets, go to our home page post and click on the links.
P.S. Volunteers needed!! Contact Peter or Rosi Hill.
Independence Day Constitution Celebration!!
July 4, 2019 at the DCSMV Headquarters!
Yes, we will reprise our July 4th reading of the Constitution for the second year in a row. Here’s how the event goes:
It begins at 11 a.m. outside our Democratic Club office, 327 E Plaza Drive. As this is a low-cost fundraiser, we are asking for a suggested donation of $10 per person.
Attendees bring a potluck dish to share! The Club will provide hamburgers, veggie burgers, and various condiments. Steve Mathis will bring some homebrew to the table, as well!!
After our luncheon, we will call for volunteers to read sections of the Constitution, beginning with Article 5, and continuing through several sections of the Bill of Rights.
Finally, at the end of the event, there is a drawing for several gifts.
This reading of the Constitution is so meaningful and a reminder that this document is the foundation of our Democracy. Please plan on attending, bring your lawn chair if possible, and don’t forget your reading glasses! Contact Vibiana if you plan to participate (805-922-6233).
It was a beautiful day!! Some of the attendees:
Check the July club newsletter The Proud Democrat for more photos.)
Thursday, June 20, 2019
DCSMV General Meeting
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! Public Welcome for Guest Speaker or Program, 7:00 pm-7:40pm.
No-host social and menu dinner at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session or program open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (for registered Democrats) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Volunteers needed 1-1/2 – 2 hours, last Saturday of every other (odd) month, January, March, May, July, September, November, through 2019. Call Dem office at 1-805-349-2708 and leave your name and contact number for club member Kathy Sharum.
Help us keep Santa Maria streets and sidewalks litter free!
Thursday, May 16, 2019
DCSMV General Meeting
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! Public Welcome for Guest Speaker or Program, 7:00 pm-7:40pm.
No-host social and menu dinner at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session or program open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (for registered Democrats) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
Presented by Program Manager Sara Macdonald
Don’t miss this event!
Friday, April 19, 2019
$20 suggested donation per ticket
Play starts promptly at 7 p.m. Appetizers & such will be served PRIOR to the play AT DCSMV HEADQUARTERS, 327 E. Plaza Dr., Suite 2, beginning at 5:45 p.m.Carpooling to the theatre will be available.
Santa Maria Civic Theatre, 1660 N. McClelland St, Santa Maria, CA 93454
An incessantly ringing cell phone in a quiet café. A stranger at the next table who has had enough. And a dead man with a lot of loose ends. So begins “Dead Man’s Cell Phone,” a wildly imaginative new comedy by MacArthur Genius Grant recipient and Pulitzer Prize finalist Sarah Ruhl. A work about how we memorialize the dead and how that remembering changes us, it is the odyssey of a woman forced to confront her own assumptions about morality, redemption, and the need to connect in a technologically obsessed world.
(Note: Online purchases must be completed by Wednesday, April 17, 2019. Please call 805-406-9989 after that date to check on availability.)
Thursday, April 18, 2019 DCSMV General Meeting
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! Public Welcome.
No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (registered Democrats only) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
March 30, 2019
Volunteers needed 1-1/2 – 2 hours, last Saturday of every other (odd) month, January, March, May, July, September, November, through 2019. Call Dem office at 1-805-349-2708 and leave your name and contact number for club member Kathy Sharum.
Help us keep Santa Maria streets and sidewalks litter free!
March 24, 2019 FUNDRAISER!! Santa Maria Civic Theatre, 1660 N. McClelland, Santa Maria, CA 93454
The DCSMV’s 2019 Civic Theatre Fundraiser will be Sunday, March 24, at 1:30 p.m. We invite you to join us for a live production of Lewis Black’s “ONE SLIGHT HITCH.” Yes, THAT Lewis Black – the famous and sometimes outrageous standup comedian.
This fundraiser helps to pay for such needed expenses as electricity, voter outreach materials, and office supplies. It may not seem critical, but an organization needs supplies! How else can we shine the light on the importance of the work that we do which will begin much earlier than the 2020 election cycle?
Your suggested donation for this production is just $25 per seat with an intermission that will include wine and a collection of savory and sweet appetizers. This event is open to everyone, so consider inviting friends and family. Payment may be mailed to HQ, 327 E PlazaDr Ste 2, Santa Maria, CA 93454; remitted at our February or March general meetings (via cash, check, or credit card); or submitted online from our Club website using ActBlue click this link: Tickets for “A Slight Hitch” play
Thursday, March 21, 2019 DCSMV General Meeting
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! Public Welcome.
No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (registered Democrats only) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
February 21, 2019 DCSMV General Meeting
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! Public Welcome.
No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (registered Democrats only) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
Saturday, January 19, 2019, 10 am – 2 pm, 800 S. Pine & W. Morrison, Buena Vista Park, 93454.
Santa Maria Valley community will join millions of others marching across America on January 19th.
Register (free) at Eventbrite:
January 17, 2019 DCSMV General Meeting
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (registered Democrats only) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
November 15, 2018 DCSMV General Meeting
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (registered Democrats only) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
November will not feature a Guest Speaker.
Discussion and Recap on November 6, 2018 General Election by DCSMV Members
Thursday, NOVEMBER 15, 2018:
7:00 pm – 7:40 pm
General Membership meeting to follow until approx. 8:30 pm.
NOVEMBER 6, 2018
October DCSMV General Meeting
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (registered Democrats only) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
Presented by Speaker Coordinator, Scott Baker, 2nd V-P:
Discussion on Propositions by DCSMV Members,
Thursday, OCTOBER 18, 2018:
7:00 pm – 7:40 pm
Adopt-A-Road Program in Santa Maria
Saturday, September 29th.
(Ongoing Club Event) Volunteer for community service every other (odd) month through 2019
The next approximate scheduled date will be Saturday, November 24, 2018. Call for confirmation.
Volunteers needed 1-1/2 – 2 hours, last Saturday of every other (odd) month, January, March, May, July, September, November, through 2019. Call Dem office at 1-805-349-2708 and leave your name and contact number for club member Kathy Sharum.
Help us keep Santa Maria streets and sidewalks litter free!
Accepting the award on behalf of the DCSMV, L-R, Volunteers Kathy Sharum, Laura Selken, and Dr. Robert Hammond.
Other volunteers (so far) Maureen Ackermann (non-member), Scott Baker, David Dennis, Connie Ford & husband Skip, Janet Freckleton, Sara Macdonald, Ilene Pickle, Beth Schneider, Ronald Selken,
Thursday, September 20, 2018.
Our September General Meeting featured two guests running for office on November 6, 2018 ~ both of whom we have endorsed and also happen to be members of our Democratic Club of Santa Maria Valley!! Diana Perez is running for re-election to the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District Board,and Abe Melendrez is running for the Santa Maria Bonita School Board.
Diana Perez, Speaker Abraham Melendrez, Speaker
* Diana Perez, Candidate for Santa Maria Joint Union High School, (Link with list of schools in the district below) was raised in Salinas, California and graduated from Salinas High School in 1984. As the eldest daughter of five, Diana aspired to help her mother (who worked in the fields) and her younger siblings strive for a better life. She enrolled and graduated from Hartnell College then transferred to UC Santa Barbara and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. Diana worked two jobs to earn enough money to attend Fresno State and earned a Master’s Degree in Education, Counseling and Student Services in 1994.
Immediately after, she was hired by Santa Barbara City College as an ESL Counselor, then UC Santa Barbara as an EAOP Admission Counselor and currently is the Director of the Central Coast Cal-SOAP Consortium at Allan Hancock College. Diana Perez has three children including a recent graduate from Righetti High School.
Diana Perez was appointed to the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District in February of 2014, then elected to the board in November of 2014. As a parent and educator with over twenty years of experience in higher education, and a former commissioner for the Off-Highway MotorVehicles Recreation (OHMVR), Diana is fully committed to contributing toward enhancing educational opportunities for all district students.
Here is a link for a list of the public schools in the Santa Maria Joint Union High School:
* Abe Melendrez, Candidate for Santa Bonita School District, (Link with list of schools in the district below) is a community organizer at Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE). Read his own words …
“I am a proud product of Santa Maria and the schools in our community. Like many children, I struggled in school and our family struggled financially, but amazing teachers and school programs helped me reach my educational dreams, including becoming the first in my family to achieve a university degree.
“I attended Miller Elementary, Fesler Jr. High, Santa Maria High, Allan Hancock College, and UC Berkeley. I know firsthand that our local schools have the potential to be some of the best, and in order to do so, we need strong leaders, focused on fiscal responsibility, with the energy to advocate for the best education for our students.
“I now serve on two nonprofit boards and am employed at a local nonprofit organization, working to address youth violence, encourage civic engagement and community leadership.
“I owe my success to my teachers, mentors and the community. I want to make sure every student is exposed to educational, professional, and vocational opportunities. I want us to give them a strong foundation because I believe that a strong investment in our children is a strong investment in our future.”
Here is a link to the schools in the Santa Bonita School District:
Please join us at IHOP, 202 Nicholson Ave., every third Thursday of the month, with a no-host social and dinner beginning at 5:30 p.m. and the program starting at 7 p.m. Our October 18th meeting will feature Guest Speaker Leonard Champion, Fire Chief of the Santa Maria Fire Department.
COME OUT TO PIONEER PARK (Off W. Foster Rd by the SM Airport) and enjoy a
FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 3:30 pm- 6:30 pm.
Food/ Games/ Raffle
Thanks for the pictures, Sara Macdonald!! (shown)
Adopt-A-Road Program in Santa Maria
Scheduled for Saturday, July 28th.
(Ongoing Club Event) Volunteer for community service every other (odd) month through 2019
Volunteers needed 2 -3 hours, last Saturday of every other (odd) month, January, March, May, July, September, November, through 2019. Call Dem office at 1-805-349-2708 and leave your name and contact number for club member Kathy Sharum.
Help us keep Santa Maria streets and sidewalks litter free!
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (registered Democrats only) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
Presented by Speaker Coordinator, Scott Baker, 2nd V-P:
July Guest Speaker:
Rafael “Rafa” Gutierrez
Candidate for Santa Maria City Council, 4th District
Rafael Gutierrez’s Background
Rafael attended Ernest Righetti High School and Allan Hancock College. At Righetti, Rafael studied drafting and architecture design and he received several awards for his skills in those areas. As a high school and junior college student, Rafael supported himself by working as a carpenter for a local construction company. His experience in construction and love of architecture led Rafael to become proficient in other areas of construction, including electrical, plumbing, and finish carpentry, in addition to architectural design, a field he has continued to pursue.
In reverence of his mother’s example, when Rafael was at Hancock, he began volunteering to work for the benefit of the community. From the early to mid-1990s, Rafael served on the County of Santa Barbara Superintendent of Schools’ Alternative Education Committee, which functioned as an advisory body on issues pertaining to at-risk youth. Later, Rafael served on the Santa Barbara County Kids Network, an advisory body on children and family issues created by the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors. Besides running successful campaigns for student government at Hancock, Rafael also volunteered to work in Judge Rogelio R. Flores’ campaign and eventually served as the campaign manager.
After graduating from Allan Hancock College, Rafael attended the University of California at Berkeley and graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor’s of Art degree in political science. The subject matter of his honors thesis was California’s Three Strikes Law. While at Berkeley, Rafael volunteered to work at La Raza Centro Legal, a legal aid organization in San Francisco where he served as a labor and employment advocate for low income clients and often represented clients at Labor Commissioner hearings.
Rafael then attended Columbia Law School in New York. At Columbia Law School, Rafael joined the editorial board of the Columbia Human Rights Law Review and edited several legal articles for the journal. Rafael also served as editor of the Jailhouse Lawyer’s Manual, in addition to serving in other law school student organizations.
Following his graduation from Columbia Law School, and prior to embarking on his legal career, Rafael worked in the fields of real estate, banking and finance in Los Angeles and Orange counties, which included working as a financial planner and financial advisor at Smith Barney.
Rafael’s unwavering devotion to giving back continued, and when residing in Orange County, he served on the Board of Directors of the Hispanic Bar Association of Orange County, where he worked closely with the administration and faculty of local law schools to increase access to higher education for disadvantaged students. Rafael also volunteered to serve as a pro bono advocate for children with developmental disabilities and their families. While working as such advocate, Rafael came to the realization that there was an enormous need for knowledge of the applicable laws and negotiating skills among parents of children with disabilities. Consequently, Rafael started conducting seminars teaching parents the law and how to effectively advocate for their children. At first, Rafael conducted the seminars at his home, and later at the Down Syndrome Association of Orange County and Fiesta Educativa, Inc., an organization serving primarily Spanish-speaking parents of children with developmental disabilities. In 2012, Rafael served as the Master of Ceremonies for Fiesta Educativa’s annual conference, a conference attended by over 500 parents of children and adults with developmental disabilities and which featured speakers such as Rosario Marin, former Treasurer of the United States, and Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.
More recently, prior to opening his own law practice in the heart of Santa Maria, Rafael worked as an attorney for a law firm in Arroyo Grande with a focus on civil litigation and as a deputy public defender with the Santa Barbara County Public Defender’s Office in the City of Santa Maria.
Wednesday-Sunday, 12 Noon – 10:30 p.m.,
Our booth won a ribbon this year!!!
Thanks to all our volunteers who helped set up and worked at the booth.
Santa Barbara County Fair, Santa Maria Fairpark, 937 S. Thornburg St.
“Cowboys and Carousels”
(carnival may stay open ’til midnight)
educational wildlife exhibits, fun fair foods, and the list goes on and on…
Santa Maria Pride Celebration & Resource Fair 2018.
DCSMV booth!
On the last day of Pride Month, hundreds of LGBTQ community members, families and friends spent Saturday sharing love, diversity and inclusivity at the second Santa Maria Pride Celebration and Resource Fair at Town Center West.
DCSMV volunteers L-R, Steve Mathis,
Scott Baker, Peter Hill. Also thanks to
David Dennis and Kathy Sharum.
L-R, Organizers Jessie Funes and Audi Macdonald.
Pre-Event post:
Fun, Food, and Music!! Everyone invited. Town Center West parking lot (on S. Broadway between Main and Cook Streets, in front of Fallows Store), Santa Maria. Hosted by House of Pride & Equality. The club has abooth at this event! Sign up at General Meeting, at the office, or leave message on office phone for Rosalie or Peter Hill (1-805-349-2708) if you want to help.
Thursday, June 21, 2018.
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (registered Democrats only) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
2nd V-P, Scott Baker, Speaker Coordinator:
June Guest Speakers:
Our June General Meeting will feature two programs.
Our primary speaker will be Arthur Valenzuela Jr., a former Field Representative of the California Democratic Party for Assemblyman Das Williams in 2016, and prior to that a Field Organizer for the CDP in 2014. He will be discussing the impact of District Elections in Oxnard which are also being implemented this fall. Arthur attended Oxnard High School and Ventura College (where he received an AA in Political Science, as well as an AA in Social and Behavioral Sciences). He graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, majoring in Global Studies and minoring in Feminist Studies. He ran for Oxnard City Council in the 2013 special election at the age of 21, the youngest of 13 candidates.
Our second program will be provided by the City of Santa Maria. They will be presenting some vital information about City services and our community’s quality of life. They will be open to questions, so please bring them written down in advance. Attendees will be asked to complete a brief survey at the end to be shared with City Council members, so they can evaluate our concerns.
Click her to view post with more information:
Saturday, May 19, May 26, and June 2, 2018
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Seeking volunteers to phone Democrat voters and canvass neighborhoods
for the June 5th Primary election.
If you would like to participate in the grassroots effort to remind Democrats to VOTE in the June 5th Primary, call and leave your name and number, or arrive at 9:00 am on any one of those dates above. DCSMV phone for messages 1-805-349-2708. Office open M-F, 11 am- 2 pm.
327 E. Plaza Drive, Suite 2, Santa Maria, CA 93454
Almost half the voters DIDN’T VOTE in 2016. We’ve got to do better this time!!!
Thursday, May 17, 2018.
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (registered Democrats only) until 8:30 pm. Call for more information 1-805-349-2708, Office open M-F, 11a-2pm.
May Guest Speakers:
Laurence Schinderman and Martie Akel, Phillips 66 Oil Train Resistance.
An unbelievable feat by grassroots individuals and statewide groups to defeat a giant well funded corporation that took determination, effort, and hundreds of citizens months of persistent effort. May’s general meeting featured two gentlemen who worked with the Mesa Refinery Watch Group to defeat Phillip 66’s crude-by-rail project through San Luis Obispo County. Laurence Shinderman and Martin Akel spoke about what they and their fellow community activists accomplished and what the future brings. Shinderman and Akel, along with many others, began working on the opposition of such a project not long after the December 2013 announcement by Phillip 66 to switch from the use of pipelines to transport their crude oil to using rail delivery. It was a long, arduous battle that lasted about four years.
Press release:
April 27 – 29, 2018
Santa Maria Valley Strawberry Festival 2018
Democratic Club of Santa Maria Valley booth where you can register, update your information, and catch up to date on the June 5th Primary Candidates!!
Thanks to Volunteers Scott Baker and Griselda Vega, (above) and all the others who volunteered their time to help inform visitors to the booth about the upcoming June 5th Primary election :
Marilyn Bonucci, Imojean Cupp, Connie Ford, Lee Franks, Wanda Givens-Lambert, Yael Gott, Peter Hill, Sara Macdonald, Steve Mathis, Lea-Marie Mix, Vibiana Saavedra, Kathy Schartz, Beverly Scofield, Kathy Sharum, Youth Bilingual Volunteers Lisette Lopez and Grecia Mendoza, and Special Thanks to Laura Selken and David Dennis for manning AND setting up and taking down the booth!!
2018 Democratic Endorsed Candidates for June 2018.
“A Berry Good Time”
Festival Hours: 12 Noon – 10 pm daily
Carnival may stay open ’til midnight.
Fun for the Whole Family!
Rides, games, Food, pony rides and of course, strawberry delights
FREE* Attractions Include:
Petting Zoo, Educational Exhibits, Cooking Shows, Live Music, Strawberry Tasting & Eating Contests, Strolling Entertainment and much more!
* Free w/paid admission into festival.
Thursday, April 19, 2018.
Democratic Club Santa Maria Valley meetings are held every third Thursday of the month, IHOP Restaurant, 202 Nicholson Ave, Santa Maria, 93454.
JOIN US! No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Speaker session open to the public 7:00 -7:40 pm followed by DCSMV business meeting (registered Democrats only) until 8:30 pm. Call office for more information 1-805-349-2708, M-F, 11a-2pm.
David Dennis – 2nd VP: Our speaker at the this month’s general meeting was 2018 Candidate Betsy Schaffer, CPA, endorsed candidate for Santa Barbara County Auditor-Controller.
QUALIFICATIONS: The County Board of Supervisors, since the 1950’s, has required candidates for the Santa Barbara County Auditor to meet certain qualifications (CA Government Code Section 26945):
Endorsed Candidate Betsy Schaffer, CPA
1. Possession of a California Certified Public Accountant (CPA) License or be a Certified Internal Auditor. California Certified Public Accountant (CPA) – License #70139, issued 1995
2. Hold a degree in accounting. California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Accounting Concentration – 1991 Graduate
3. Serve as the county auditor, chief deputy county auditor, or chief assistant county auditor. Assistant Auditor-Controller (2 years) \ Chief Deputy Controller (2 years)
Other Qualifications: 2 years as a CPA and the Assistant Auditor-Controller, I fulfill and represent the basic tenets of independence, objectivity, and the required professional ethics of the Auditor’s Office for financial related issues 26+ years of professional work experience in government & private sector Committed to the office, the county, the community – I have lived and worked in Santa Barbara County for 35 years. Strong team builder and team leader (I have successfully applied W. Edwards Deming’s Process Improvement & Management Philosophies) Proven ability to think critically and provide an alternate perspective Proven ability to get things done with a realistic, yet positive temperament GFOA Certified Public Finance Officer (CPFO), #590, issued 2015.
EDUCATION: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Accounting Concentration – 1991 Graduate Cuesta Community College, San Luis Obispo, CA Associate in Arts, Business Administration – 1989 Graduate Ernest Righetti High School, Santa Maria, CA – 1985 Graduate.
Email: Website:
April DCSMV Fundraiser
Saturday, April 8, 2018, 1:30 pm.
“The Vagina Monologues” Play
We had so much fun with “Noises Off” ~ we’re doing it again with “The Vagina Monologues” …
During a recent General Membership meeting, we took a poll of members present to see what Civic Theater events they would prefer to attend as our first fundraiser of the year. No one was more surprised than she to see that members were excited about all three spring productions. We just concluded a well-attended production of “Noises Off.”
In case you’re not familiar with this play, here’s a quick review of what to expect.
“Probably the most important piece of political theater of the last decade.”
– Charles Isherwood, The New York Times
In 1994, a play called “The Vagina Monologues,” written by playwright and activist Eve Ensler, broke ground, offering to the world a piece of art like nothing it had seen before. Based on dozens of interviews Ensler conducted with women, the play addressed women’s sexuality and the social stigma surrounding rape and abuse, creating a new conversation about and with women. The Vagina Monologues ran Off-Broadway for five years in New York and then toured the United States. After every performance, Ensler found women waiting to share their own stories of survival, leading her to see that The Vagina Monologues could be more than a moving work of art on violence; she divined that the performances could be a mechanism for moving people to act to end violence.
If you have ANY questions, or would like to attend, but can’t purchase a ticket by Friday, April 6, please contact our office and leave a message 805-349-2708.
Thanks so much! Meet you at the Theater.
Join us for a fun afternoon!
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Great comedic play, with appetizers/desserts,
wine, and coffee served at intermission!
Play starts promptly at 1:30 p.m., so come early!
Santa Maria Civic Theatre
1600 N. McClelland St., Santa Maria, CA 93454
$25 per person. Pay online HERE,
or drop off or mail check to:
DCSMV, 327 E. Plaza St, Santa Maria, CA 93454
We’ll confirm by phone or email.
(Tickets will be held at the door.)
“Noises Off” is an absurd look at the process of putting on a play. It is the story of a director, stage managers, and actors during the production of a play titled “Nothing On,” a sexual farce with doors slamming and trousers dropping from time to time. The play follows the performance of “Nothing On” from the night before the opening to the end of a ten-week run. At that point, the actors, director, and even the set seem to be falling apart at the seams. Of course, with chaos comes comedy. The actors include a middle-aged television star, an alcoholic stage legend, an inexperienced actress from London, a leading man who is limited to what’s in the script, and many more personalities that make up this outlandish theater cast and crew. There are love triangles, circles of friends, and just plain squares!
I’ve spent a large part of my life working on non-profit, common sense issues, like campaign finance reform, community service learning, Big Brothers, food security, sustainable agriculture, and conservation. These are issues with uncomplicated answers that I believe improve us all as a community regardless of gender or ethnicity.
Professionally, I have worked in many fields. I’ve worked on four continents and visited 35 countries. I have worked in the film business (mainly as an actor – some writing, directing and producing) developed property, built many homes for people in the entertainment business, construction consultant, farmed (hay and cattle) regeneratively (capturing carbon and building soils), and lobbied for campaign finance reform.
In addition to my farming, for the last 7 years, I have been working as the Director of the Citizens Congress, a non-profit organization working to remove the corruptive influence of money in politics. We have worked toward reforms on the local, state and national levels. In 2014, I gave a Congressional briefing in Washington D.C. and created a national conference on campaign finance reform at Cal Poly. I’ve also lobbied for reform in Washington D.C. in over 65 offices in the House and Senate. Presently, I’m working with Congressman Carbajal on analyzing election reform bills and authoring legislation requiring publicly traded companies to reveal their campaign contributions – a sorely missed check to the Citizens United ruling.
Locally, I’ve co-authored an ordinance called “Ensuring Integrity in our Elections” for the city of San Luis Obispo. This ordinance will establish publicly funded elections, require a strong disclosure bill that helps us to know who is behind big money media campaigns, and create a strong ethics panel that has the power to investigate those who abuse our election rules to subvert democracy.
I am also Director of Citizens Congress Education Foundation. Our major focus at CCEF is creating a culture of community service learning for our high school students across the county. We put together “non-profit fairs” at the high schools to introduce students to non-profit organizations across our county that are addressing the vital needs of our community such as homelessness, animal rescue, visiting elders, beach clean up, assisting children with disabilities, and mentoring younger students. We are hoping that we get all 10,000 SLO County high school students doing 15 hours a year of community service!
I’ve been a Big Brother for almost 37 years.
I spent a year as a self-funded worker in Namibia, Africa, where I aided in the efforts to conserve black rhinos and cheetahs. As a community development volunteer in one of the poorest, most remote areas in the world today, I created the first all donated public library in Africa. Students were encouraged to transcribe the Khoe Khoe folktales told by their elders in their native language, stories which had previously only survived through the oral tradition. I established scholarships, created a cultural festival to aid the economy, refurbished a sports field and facility, and held an art competition for adults in order to encourage entrepreneurial employment to cater to a tourist economy.
I have developed two continuing adult education classes at Cuesta College: one on Political Science, specifically about money in politics, and a second class on Theatre Games and Improvisation to help people with public speaking.
And for fun, if you want we can talk about my work in Hollywood, horseback riding through Mongolia, climbing Kilimanjaro, or riding motorcycles around Sri Lanka.
Visit Bill Ostrander’s website:
Come join the fun!! Everyone is Welcome!!
Bring your friends and family!
(*See below for ticket purchase options)
From the creators of the record-breaking Broadway sensation, The Producers, comes this monster new musical comedy. The comedy genius, Mel Brooks, adapts his legendarily funny film into a brilliant stage creation Young Frankenstein!
Grandson of the infamous Victor Frankenstein, Frederick Frankenstein (pronounced “Fronk-en-steen”) inherits his family’s estate in Transylvania. With the help of a hunchbacked sidekick, Igor (pronounced “Eye-gore”), and a leggy lab assistant, Inga (pronounced normally), Frederick finds himself in the mad scientist shoes of his ancestors. “It’s alive!” he exclaims as he brings to life a creature to rival his grandfather’s. Eventually, of course, the monster escapes and hilarity continuously abounds.
Every bit as relevant to audience members who will remember the original as it will be to newcomers, Young Frankenstein has all the of panache of the screen sensation with a little extra theatrical flair added. With such memorable tunes as “The Transylvania Mania,” “He Vas My Boyfriend” and “Puttin’ on the Ritz,” Young Frankenstein is scientifically proven, monstrously good entertainment. (Not recommended for children under 5 years old.)
Play begins promptly at 1:30 pm
Santa Maria Civic Theatre, 1660 N. McClelland St, Santa Maria, CA 93454
Our traditional wine and goodies served at intermission.
*Pay online with credit card link on our home page
*Mail or drop off your $30 check at:
Democratic Club of Santa Maria Valley, 327 E. Plaza Dr, #2, Santa Maria, CA 93454. (Tickets held at the door. We will confirm your reservation by telephone or email.)
We’ll keep the lights on for you, dearies.
October Guest Speaker will be David Atkins.
Democratic Party Region 10 Director.
“David Atkins is a Democratic activist, writer and research professional. He is Region 10 Director of the California Democratic Party covering Assembly Districts 35, 37, 38 and 44, as well as South Vice Chair of the Santa Barbara County Democratic Party and President of the Democratic Club of Santa Barbara. He also serves on the California Democratic Party’s Credentials Committee. David is a regular contributor to the Washington Monthly and The American Prospect with bylines at several other publications writing on a variety of national issues. Professionally, David is president of The Pollux Group, a research consulting firm specializing in emerging technology.”
Discussions will include revisions to the Santa Barbara County Democratic platform and the process for endorsing candidates for the 2018 election.
September 30, 2017, Saturday, Adopt-A-Road program. Democratic Club of Santa Maria Valley volunteers.
Taking pride in our city of Santa Maria.
Thanks to our first group of club volunteers for our 2 year commitment to de-litter N. Broadway from Main to McElhany Street. L to R: Scott, Laura, Janet, Kathy, David, Sara, Beth, Connie.
We can all help keep our city streets clean and free of litter. Especially important are properly disposing of used cigarettes that have non-biodegradable filters that end up in our drains and contaminate the ocean.
Members Laura and Janet in front of our DCSMV sign at the corner of North Broadway and Main Street.
Democratic Club SMV General meetings and speaker session (Public welcome) are held every third Thursday at the IHOP at 202 Nicholson Ave in Santa Maria, 93454. No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm. Speaker session begins at 7:00 – 7:40 pm followed by (registered Democrats only) meeting until 8:30 pm.
September Guest Speaker will be Roy Dugger.
This September is National Preparedness Month. Roy Dugger is the Emergency Services Specialist from the City of Santa Maria Fire Department.
The focus is on planning. Its theme is “Disasters Don’t Plan Ahead. You can.” Because we have seen our share of some real local disasters, we have invited Roy Dugger to our September 21, meeting. Mr. Dugger will conduct a session in assessing where we are in our preparedness and help with any barriers which he can address. We should all take action to prepare.
Roy has been with the City for 7 years assisting the community and the City with emergency preparedness education and planning. Before joining the City, Roy worked for over 20 years with the American Red Cross and served on various response teams for a variety of disasters in the United States.
September 16, 2017, Saturday, Santa Barbara County Platform revision. UCSB. Democrats. All reistered Democrats welcome to attend and help revise the Santa Barbara County Democratic platform.
September 6, 2017 Santa Maria campus at 800 S. College.
The Bulldog BOW-WOW is an opportunity for students to learn about essential student services to help them succeed in college, meet key faculty and staff, explore various academic, career and technical programs, as well as enjoy free music, entertainment and food!
THANKS TO OUR DEM CLUB VOLUNTEERS Beth Schnieder, Sara Macdonald, Kathy Schartz, Connie Ford who helped out at our table at the annual Santa Maria campus of AHC BOW WOW orientation for new and returning AHC students, AND FOR BRINGING ATTENTION TO THE DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program that is in jeopardy as a result of a current presidential act to end the program.
Signatures were obtained to support DACA which will be sent to the U.S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, Senate Majority Leader McConnell, and House Speaker Paul Ryan in Washington,D.C.
Thanks to the Unions who sponsored this fun and yummy event!!!



LOVE NOT HATE Rally, August 20, 2017
Santa Maria and surrounding communities came together August 20th to reject hate and to show support for the victims of hate crimes in Charlottesville, VA, and demand that all elected representatives speak out against white supremacy and violence. There is no place in America for racism and neo-nazism.
Organized by the Democratic Club of Santa Maria Valley, NAACP, CAUSE, IDW Union, SBCAN, and other affiliates together with churches and youth groups in the North County. Representatives for Congressman Salud Carbajal and SB County Supervisor Joan Hartmann were among the many speakers and ralliers.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Democratic Club SMV General meetings and speaker session (Public welcome) are held every third Thursday at the IHOP at 202 Nicholson Ave in Santa Maria, 93454. No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm. Speaker session begins at 7:00 – 7:40 pm followed by (registered Democrats only) meeting until 8:30 pm.
August Guest speaker Peter Flores, III.
Discussion on the current political and social climate. Pete will draw parallels to years of institutional and systemic barriers that continue to exist for students of color and their families in the P-12 public schools. He will also introduce the importance of cultural competence for addressing implicit bias, and racial and ethnic disparities that contribute to parents and students becoming disenfranchised with school. Open discussions with the audience.
Additional Bio continued – click here:
PRIDE EVENT, August 12, 2017, Santa Maria at Town Center West
What a fun day! Huge turnout. Food, music, dancing, speeches, comradery, interesting conversation, and more!
Thanks to House of Pride organization and leaders Jessie and Audie for starting what we hope
will be an annual event. SANTA MARIA…..where people know how to have FUN!!!
Thanks to our volunteers Scott, Beth, Sara, Linda, Kathleen, Jane,
and our club members who stopped by to support this event.
(Photo Beth, Sara, Salud, Connie, Scott, Mark)
Congressman SaludCarbajall, who also spoke Andrea Padilla won our $35 gift certificate.
to the crowd, paid a visit to our booth.
So happy our Congressman has a local office now.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Democratic Club SMV General meetings are held every third Thursday at the IHOP at 202 Nicholson Ave in Santa Maria, 93454, with no host social 5:30 pm, optional dinner reserve 805-349-2708 6:00 pm, Speaker begins at 7:00 pm followed by (Democrats only) meeting.
July Guest Speaker Sharon Rippner
Citizens’ Climate Lobby the Focus of July General Meeting
Sharon Rippner was the featured speaker at our July General Membership meeting. She is a clinical psychologist and long-time resident of San Luis Obispo County. She first became aware of and concerned about global warming more than 30 years ago, and her concern has steadily grown since then.
In early 2013, Sharon heard about a promising avenue for citizen action on the issue, namely the Citizens’ Climate Lobby. It is a non-partisan, non-profit organization focused on achieving bi-partisan
national legislation that will significantly reduce carbon emissions. They believe that the most effective approach is a revenue-neutral carbon fee-and-dividend plan. Their only mission is “to establish the political will for a livable planet.”
Upon learning about CCL, Sharon immediately joined with two other people to co-found the San Luis Obispo Chapter of CCL. She will be sharing CCL’s policy for which it advocates, the progress it has made, and the growing hope for accomplishing its mission this year.
You can visit the SLO Chapter’s Facebook page here: or the national organiza-tion’s Facebook page here: The national organization’s website is:
Please join us for our next scheduled general meeting at IHOP, 202 Nicholson Ave., Thursday, August 17th, with a no-host social and dinner beginning at 5:30 p.m. and the program at 7 p.m.
July 12 – 17, 2017. Our Democratic Club of SMV enjoyed talking with visitors to our annual booth at this year’s Santa Barbara County Fair. Thanks to all of our club members who volunteered!!
Club volunteers Sara and Don meeting and greeting Democrats on Saturday.
Annual Santa Maria Summer Solstice, June 17, 2017
Thanks to club volunteers Scott Baker, Sara Macdonald, Linda Hudson, Beth Schneider, Connie Ford for helping out at the “Summer Solstice” event sponsored by the Santa Maria Natural History Museum on Saturday, June 17th.
Area citizens signed California petitions of support for: Bill in the Assembly awaiting a vote SB562 “CA Health Care For All” and SB775 “Climate Solutions” in the Senate.
Thursday, June 15, 2017.
General meetings are held every third Thursday at the IHOP at 202 Nicholson Ave in Santa Maria, 93454, with no host social 5:30 pm, optional dinner reserve 805-349-2708 6:00 pm, Speaker begins at 7:00 pm followed by (Democrats only) meeting.
Public Welcome for Guest Speaker.
Democrats welcome for general meeting.
June Guest Speaker Abe Melendrez
“Abe Melendrez, Club member and local organizer with Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE), will be our speaker at the June 15th General Membership meeting. He chairs the North County Coalition and has been working extensively with educating the public and getting them involved with the city’s change to district elections. He will be speaking about where we are now with this issue, how we got here, and what lies ahead.”
“In March, he was interviewed by Club member, Mark Miller, for his column in the Santa Maria Times: Melendrez is a local product. After graduating from Allan Hancock College in 2013, he studied in Europe,”
“interning with a consultancy firm that focused on helping nonprofit organizations in London. While in London he witnessed the organized opposition to Brexit first-hand. He studied European immigration history and”
“French/Muslim relations in Paris, then returned to the U.S. to take his bachelor’s degree in psychology from UC-Berkeley before coming back to his hometown.”
““I decided to return to Santa Maria after being inspired by the multi-faceted work being done in Berkeley, Oakland and San Francisco, as well as after seeing the similarities in struggles and injustices immigrants in Europe face to those in the U.S.,” he said.”
“He also feels a special need to reach out to and represent millennials who, like himself, grew up in immi- grant, farm-working households in Santa Maria.”
(SEE CALENDAR FOR ALL future meeting dates.)
Dems honored at SBCan Dinner.
Award recipients included DCSMV members Vibiana Saavedra, Social Justice Award,
and Terri Zuniga, Looking Forward Award.
SBCan Awards Dinner, June 11, 2017
Recipient Vibiana and family members.
Lawanda, Mark, and Laura.
Gale and Betty provided beautiful singing and piano music.
Jeanne Sparks, Associate Director of SBCan.
Ken Hough, Executive Director of SBCan.
Martie and Ilene.
Erma, Ron, Betty, and Ilene.
Many of our members attended and enjoyed a delicious dinner at the Radisson in Santa Maria.
Note: Recipient Terri wasn’t able to attend but was well represented by her family.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Dem Club General meeting was held Thursday, May 18, 2017, IHOP, Social/dinner 5:30pm, HEALTH CARE Speaker Peter Conn, 7:00pm followed by meeting.
General meetings are held every third Thursday at the IHOP at 202 Nicholson Ave in Santa Maria, 93454, with no host social 5:30 pm, optional dinner reserve 805-349-2708 6:00 pm, Speaker begins at 7:00 pm followed by (Democrats only) meeting.
Public Welcome for Guest Speaker.
Watch the documentary FIX It:
Guest Speaker was Peter Conn CV, Health Care for All
Peter is a retired social worker, having worked in a variety of settings assisting the aged, blind and disabled. He has held positions with Santa Barbara County Social Services, Visiting Nurses, Hospice of Santa Barbara, and in a convalescent hospital. Paulina Conn was a medical lab scientist working in a physicians office, in a hospital lab, and at the Isla Vista Medical Clinic.
For additional information, Bio is continued on our “Democrat Club Events and Community Activism” tab.
More information on Peter Conn:
Peter was raised in New Jersey. He came to UCSB in 1960 met his wife Paulina there while getting his BA in Combined Social Sciences. Peter and Paulina were Peace Corps volunteers in North-eastern Brazil in a health education project from 1966-68. They raised two children, Eric, an audio engineer in Nashville, and Caroline, a veterinian in Agua Dulce, Ca.
Peter is a retired social worker, having worked in a variety of settings assisting the aged, blind and disabled. He has held positions with Santa Barbara County Social Services, Visiting Nurses, Hospice of Santa Barbara, and in a convalescent hospital. Paulina was a medical lab scientist working in a physicians office, in a hospital lab, and at the Isla Vista Medical Clinic.
Peter and Paulina joined Health Care for All – California in 2000. Paulina has served on a number of committees with the state HCA organization and with the local chapter. Peter was Membership Secretary for the state HCA for 6 years. He is currently the Outreach Coordinator for the Santa Barbara Chapter as well as assisting with the formation of new HCA chapters across California. He writes a monthly column on health care policy for the Mesa Paper.
(SEE CALENDAR FOR ALL future meeting dates.)
Another successful rally May 1, 2017 in Santa Maria, marching with other community organizations and activists in solidarity with workers and immigrants, and in support of the California Values Act SB54 with our petition.
Thanks Scott Baker, Volunteer.
EARTH DAY in Santa Maria, April 22, 2017. 
It was a good day for Earth Day. Santa Maria Earth Day on Saturday, sponsored by the Santa Maria Natural History Museum, brought many people to our Dem booth to sign the petition currently in Congress, Bill H.B. 731, authored by our Congressman Salud Carbajal, to permanently prohibit oil and gas leasing off the coast of California. Thanks to all who signed, and thanks to our club members, Scott Baker, Linda Hudson, Connie Ford, and Lee Franks for helping out, and many other club members for visiting our booth (Jim and Marlene Christianson in photo). And thanks to Connie’s husband, Skip, for transporting and helping with setup.
More petitions on our website:
Over 50 names were collected in favor of the H.B. 731 and
forwarded to Congressman Salud Carbajal.
9th Annual Roosevelt-Hammer Dinner, April 8, 2017, Santa Barbara:
Hannah-Beth Jackson was honored at the 9th Annual Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner on Saturday, April 8th at 6 PM, Santa Barbara. The theme of this year’s Santa Barbara County Democrat Party’s dinner was “Making a Stand: Progress and Resistance.” This year’s event honored Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, high school students campaigning for Ethnic Studies Now in local schools, Isla Vista activist and SBCC Trustee Jonathan Abboud, and Gail Teton-Landis for her enduring volunteerism for the Party. Keynote speaker was Lucy Flores, former Nevada State Assemblymember. Santa Barbara Democrats are ready to fight back–with City Council and Mayoral elections for the City of Santa Barbara in November 2017, and daily challenges to our rights and freedoms coming from the Trump Administration. Welcome to the Resistance!
In Solidarity, Santa Barbara County Democratic Party
Santa Barbara County Democratic Party · United States
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Our last monthly meeting was Thursday, April 20th. General meetings are held every third Thursday at the IHOP at 202 Nicholson Ave in Santa Maria, with no host social 5:30 pm, Dinner (optional) 6:00 pm, Speaker and General meeting begins at 7:00 pm. (The next meeting will be Thursday, May 18th.)
April Guest Speaker James Lawrence Powell
Our April 20th Speaker was James Lawrence Powell, geologist and climate change expert. Powell, a Santa Ynez Valley resident, has a PhD from MIT in Geochemistry. His lengthy academic resume includes serving as president of Oberlin College and Franklin and Marshall College. He also served on the National Sciences Board for 12 years appointed first by President Reagan and then by President G.H.W. Bush. He is the author of several books. Asteroid 1987 SH7 is named for him.
He is also executive director of the National Physical Science Consortium. The National Physical Science Consortium is a partnership between government agencies and laboratories, industry, and higher education. NPSC’s goal is to increase the number of American citizens with graduate degrees in the physical sciences and related engineering fields, emphasizing recruitment of a diverse applicant pool including women and minorities.
Most recently Mr. Powell conducted a unique study over several years, reviewing the abstracts of thousands of peer-reviewed articles on global warming and climate change, looking for those that reject the theory that global warming is largely man made. Just during 2013 and 2014, only four of 69,406 authors of peer-reviewed articles on global warming, rejected the premise that humans are responsible for the warming crises.
Mr. Powell in his address to our membership will speak to the credibility of various scientific climate change surveys, the actual number of scientists who are climate deniers, and how global warming is affecting our local area.
(SEE CALENDAR FOR ALL future meeting dates.)
Democratic Club SMV General meetings and speaker session (Public welcome) are held every third Thursday at the IHOP at 202 Nicholson Ave in Santa Maria, 93454. No-host social and menu dinner at 5:30 pm. Speaker session begins at 7:00 – 7:40 pm followed by (registered Democrats only) meeting until 8:30 pm.
February Guest Speaker Bishop Jeanette James
Our speaker this month was Bishop Jeanette James. Reverend James, an ordained minister, is a certified Secondary school teacher, and an award-winning playwright and actress. She spoke at the recent MLK Jr. celebration in January.
Bishop James has been in ministry since 1972. She has served as the director/founder of a number of Christian performing arts groups across the country. She has degrees in Theology and Speech/Theater Education, with a Master equivalency in Theatre.
Rev. James is an ordained minister, the first woman elected as a Bishop in the Congregational Bible Church International, a certified Secondary teacher (Kansas School Systems), and an award–winning playwright and actress. She currently performs a one–woman show entitled “Ain’t I Ah Woman.” It is a compilation of prose and poetry gathered from a variety of sources that include selections written by or about black women in the American culture. It examines black women in chronological and historical stages of development – women accounting their journeys through slavery, the reconstruction, the World Wars, the revolutionary ’60s and ’70s, and the women’s movement.