Call Assemblyman, District 35, Jordan Cunningham, VOTE YES.
State Capitol, Room 4098, Sacramento, CA 94249-0035 Phone: (916) 319-2035; FAX: (805) 549-3400
l) AB 14, The California DISCLOSE Act, will fight Dark Money by making it illegal for political ads to mislead voters about who’s paying for them.
AB 14 will strike the biggest blow yet against the unlimited secret money unleashed by Citizens United by requiring that ballot measure ads and ads about candidates by outside groups clearly and prominently disclose their top 3 true funders.
Read Full AB14 Bill:
2) SB 651 passed the Senate. Tell Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham to VOTE YES on SB 651
Complements AB 14, the California DISCLOSE Act, which requires political ads to clearly disclose their top 3 funders when they ask for your vote. Together, they’ll let voters know who’s paying for initiatives every step of the way.
Read Full SB651 Bill: