April 8, 2017, 6 pm. (Santa Barbara) 9th Annual Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner Honoring Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson and other activists

April 8, 2017 @ 6:00 pm – 9:45 pm
Carrillo Ballroom
100 E. Carrillo
Santa Barbara
$75.00 Minimum
Santa Barbara Democratic Party


Save the Date! The 9th Annual Roosevelt-Hamer Dinner will be on Saturday, April 8th at 6 PM, Santa Barbara. (Click here to purchase tickets)  The theme of this year’s Santa Barbara County Democrat Party’s dinner is “Making a Stand: Progress and Resistance.” This year’s event will honor Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, high school students campaigning for Ethnic Studies Now in local schools, Isla Vista activist and SBCC Trustee Jonathan Abboud, and Gail Teton-Landis for her enduring volunteerism for the Party.  Santa Barbara Democrats are ready to fight back–with City Council and Mayoral elections for the City of Santa Barbara in November, and daily challenges to our rights and freedoms coming from the Trump Administration.  RSVP and purchase your seats now to join us at the Carrillo Ballroom at 100 E Carrillo in Downtown Santa Barbara to celebrate this year’s award recipients and help thank them for their contribution to a stronger Democratic community.

Welcome to the Resistance!
If you need any more information about the dinner, or are interested in sponsoring or buying a program ad, please contact us at: (805) 965-8030 or info@sbdems.org. To purchase your tickets now, click here.

In Solidarity,

Santa Barbara County Democratic Party
Santa Barbara County Democratic Party · United States

Permanent link to this article: https://santamariademocrats.info/event/april-8-2017-6-pm-santa-barbara-9th-annual-roosevelt-hamer-dinner-honoring-senator-hannah-beth-jackson-and-other-activists/

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